Over the last couple of weeks there has been a lot of news and blog discussion regarding widget standards. This was due to a requirements draft document being published on July 5th . After reading the blog posts I was a bit confused because I found references to two different but related documents . I found the source material, took a look, and am reporting back with top level information.
There are actually two documents that interested folks should take a look at.
- The first is the widget 1.0 standard. This is fairly slim document, with a lot of known gaps, and a lot of requests for comments. People should comment. I posted to the mailing list about using namespaces. The list is home to other standards discussions, widgets are not the prime focus, be forewarned. This document is from November 2006.
- The second document is more interesting because it is packed with the potential of the standard. It is the widget 1.0 standard requirements document. This is the document that was most recently released on July 5th, 2007. These are the requirements for the specification. While it is not close to complete, it is a robust outline identifying areas that need requirements. Reading through this document will get any widget developer thinking in a deeper way about widgets and widget engines, what they need to support, how they will evolve, as well as their current state. Post if you want to help shape your future!
Another important point is that the technology stack is headed towards web based technology. This appears to be a natural direction of all widget development. However, it does strike me as odd that a potential specification would reference requirements of other specifications that have not yet resulted in effective standardization. I don't have a great answer but it's not hard to foresee a point in time where a widget developer is creating a single widget with a lot of crufty code that is dedicated to allowing it to run in different 'standard' widget engines with differing 'standard' implementations of
Don't get me wrong. I am all for a widget specification and will continue to support it and provide comments. In the long run it will help. And I don't offer any specific answers (define a subset of ECMAScript that must be/is already supported?!?). But I am not holding my breath for write once run anywhere. I've seen that movie before, it didn't end so well... or rather it hasn't ended, it just keeps on playing and playing and playing, never quite delivering an ending. I hope the widget standard will bring the environments closer together, so developers can deliver more, and better, products to people who love to use widgets.
Good summary. Agreed on some of the skepticism around write-once etc., though arguably we're getting closer (the whole Adobe toolchain, standards aside, is a great example of something that somewhat surprisingly is really delivering on this in practice). Fun times, with vendors in the mix with their own standards as well...
Yes, Adobe is a great example. As Adobe approaches 85-99% penetration in browsers looks like Microsoft has woken up with Silverlight. Maybe we just have to choose - direclty competing technology or standards that get us 90% there - More bifurcation!
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